Model letters

Model letters

Make use of the guarantee for hidden defects

Business life

Your details

Contact details of the seller
At ... (place), on ... (date),

Registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt

Subject: Recourse for hidden defects - Formal notice

Madam, Sir,

I bought in your store ... (specify the good acquired), of which I enclose the invoice. I was able to quickly notice many malfunctions ... (list the problems you have encountered). Several repairs were necessary. They did not make it possible to solve the problems encountered.

I consider that this product has a hidden defect. However, article 1641 of the Civil Code obliges the seller to guarantee the sold good because of the hidden defects which make it unfit for its normal use.

Thus, by the present, I put you in residence (choose between one of the 3 possibilities which follow) to replace this product / or / to agree to take in your load the whole of the repairs carried out (if the good was repaired) / or / to take back this product and to return me the price paid to know ... €.

Wishing that a fast solution is found, I thank you to answer me within ... days. In the absence of a favorable response from you, I will be obliged to assert my rights before the court.

In the meantime, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best wishes.
